Saturday, October 31, 2009


Mahasweta Devi and modern Rasputin Subhaprasanna and their team of ‘pseudo’ intellectuals remained silent when:

· Maoists in Lalgarh and Jangalmahal areas butchered 35 police personnel.

· The ambulance carrying Dr. Dhaniram Mandi, Nurse Bharati Majhi and Driver Pranay Mishir was blown up by Maoists killing all of them.

· Three Election Commission (EC) personnel, Prasad Banerjee, Sougata Karmakar and Sanjay Das (driver), were killed when Maoists triggered a landmine blast targeting their convoy after polling in Jamboni on 30th April, 2009.

· The Maoist-TMC-Congress-SUCI Alliance did not allow the relatives to dispose of the dead bodies of Salku Soren and 3 other poor tribals butchered by Maoists for 5 days.

· The Maoists and TMC workers danced and sang around the bodies of Salku Soren and 3 others for 5 days in the same manner as is practiced by cannibals.

· 2 policemen Sabbir Molla and Kanchan Gorai were abducted by Maoists on 30-07-2009. Still their whereabouts are not known.

· Kartick Mahato, a teacher, was butchered by Maoists within the classroom of a primary school in front of his students.

· The Maoists killed two police officers Dibakar Bhattacharjee and Swapan Roy within Sankrail Police Station in West Midnapur district abducted the Officer-in-Charge Atindra Narayan Dutta, looted 6 rifles, 1 revolver, 4 pistols and Rs. 9,27,000/- from the adjacent State Bank of India on 20-10-2009.

These hypocrites and perverts are not seen organizing processions, demonstrations, meetings, seminars and so on against the killing of innocent people by their darling Maoists, who are nothing but modern form of Fascists with red flag. On the other hand, they are shamelessly advocating for the “human rights” of the butchers.

It is useless to expect anything positive from these perverts because their “Friend, Philosopher and Guide” Mahasweta Devi did not hesitate to accept the “Magsaysay Award”, which was introduced in the name of President Ramon del Fierro Magsaysay who was responsible for the butchering of thousands of Communists and innocent people in Phillippines. If she were a genuine Leftist or if she had possessed mimimum conscience or morality or ethics or democratic point of view, she would not have cerrtainly accepted the award introduced in the name of a butcher.


18TH JUNE 2009

Maoist leader Kishanji: “People will block the roads, the armed forces that come will be taught a lesson, the central govt., the Buddhadeb govt. will be taught a lesson…We are asking Mamata too, she was with us in Nandigram…now we want to know what stand she will take. She is now in the cabinet, the sole member from her party… The tribals here are sitting in protest against the Paramilitary forces, ready to fight them. Which side will Mamata support is what we want to know.” (NDTV)

20TH JUNE 2009

Kishanji: “She is playing a political game. Even though she is a member of the Central Cabinet, she has not said a single word against sending Central forces to Lalgarh. Now, to gain sympathy in West Bengal, she is saying that the police and the CPI (M) unleashed a reign of terror in Jangalmahal. This is clearly a case of double standards on her part. The mask has fallen from her face…After the Lalgarh movement started, Mamata Banerjee visited Lalgarh. The locals allowed her to visit this place. But now she will not be able to come to Lalgarh or any parts of Jangalmahal. We have also decided that we will prevent her from entering Nandigram and Singur, where we were part of the movement.” (Asian Age)

22ND JUNE 2009

Kishanji: “Mamata’s real interest is to grab power in West Bengal. Had she been sincere, she would have stepped down from the Union cabinet because the Centre has joined hands with the state government to unleash a reign of terror in Lalgarh” (India Today)


“Mamata Banerjee is the fittest person to become the next Chief Minister of Bengal… We want to see her reaching the position…. We shall work in enabling her to gain this goal… She should snap immediately her ties with the Congress. We support all the decisions and activities of TMC…. Mamata Banerjee and her party alone is strong enough to gain majority in the next assembly elections to be held in 2011…She should ………” (Ananda Bazaar Patrika, Mamata Banerjee’s own mouthpiece)


The bankruptcy and lack of pragmatism of ‘pseudo’ intellectual Mahaseta Devi and her team of perverts stand exposed. So long, they tried to pretend that they are apolitical. They are not affiliated to any one political party. They are committed to the democratic environment and freedom of speech. Anyone without a political banner can join their movement provided her/his concern about the alleged ongoing left-terror in the state is genuine. But during last Parliamentary Elections they not only nakedly sang, danced and performed feats and tricks of jugglary to the tune of Mamata Banerjee but also worked wholeheartedly in favour of her rainbow alliance.

But the question arises who led and funded these hypocrites.

There is no deying the fact that the ‘Swajan’ activists are being mentored by the print media “Ananada Bazaar Patrika” and the electronic media “Star Anand” known for their notorious anti-Communist stand. This is the same newspaper which, during Indo-China conflict in 1962, played an important role in spreading jingoism in the name of freedom of speech. It published a regular column named ‘Freedom of the Artist’ where almost all the prestigious authors and artists wrote about their disillusionment with the Communist system. Satyajit Ray did not take part in that procession of slanders, and an angry ABP wrote the editorial ‘Why is Ray silent in such a crisis of the country?’

This is the same newspaper that called for banning the leftist playwright Utpal Datta’s drama ‘Kallol’ which was based on the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny. The Congress goons attacked a show and stopped it. In response, ABP called for a public boycott of all those artists who acted in the play.

So, there is small doubt about the meaning of this seeming apolitics when it is known that ABP has been backing the efforts of these intellectuals for the last two years. Firstly it was named ‘Sushil Samaj’, then ‘Nagarik Samaj’ (literally more close to civil society), then ‘Biddwajan” (intellectuals), and lastly, ‘Swajan’. There seems to be a hard attempt to sell the newly invented product in the market. It is proved beyond doubt that the ‘pseudo’ intelligentsia have been playing a puppet in the hands of big media and international finance capital.

Interestingly, the voice of these intellectuals can’t be differentiated from that of the proponents of the neo-liberal economy who say that politics is dirty and development should be freed from political colour. Our ‘so-called’ intellectuals also say that politics is dirty and struggle against development should be freed from political colour.

Is this so that big media houses encash this apolitics to create a market of anti-communism, a market where freedom of speech and right to vote will walk hand in hand with the idea of anti-Stalinism (anti CPI (M) in our case). There definitely lies a nexus between the big media houses and international finance capital. Their pro-investment, neo liberal strategies have a mask of apolitics to attract the rising middle class of India. But in reality, it only strengthens the hand of US imperialism. For example, the same ABP who mentored the ‘Swajan’ activities in their so called anti neo- liberal struggle, is wholeheartedly supported the Indo-US nuclear deal, US War on Iraq & Afghanistan, and launched attack on the leftists, especially the CPI (M), for blocking the agreement.

The CPI (M), on the other hand, has a communist ideology, a concrete agenda and specific political directives. Among the cult of the erosion of politics, the CPI (M) is the rarest of the rare examples. Therefore its presence is dangerous.

Hence, it is not surprising that these intellectuals don’t utter a single word against the rise of finance capital, neo-liberal aggression and its Indian collaborators, the BJP and the Congress, or their sister concern in West Bengal, the TMC). They never raised their voice against the Hyde act or US naval activities, or against the New Economic Policy of the Centre. The only target is the CPI (M) as the epitome of suppression of voice, corruption, rape of democracy and injustice to the poor.


‘Pseudo’ Intellectual Mahasweta Devi and her team of hypocrites declare that they are apolitical. They are not affiliated to any one political party. They are committed to the democratic environment and freedom of speech. Anyone without a political banner can join their movement provided her/his concern about the alleged ongoing left-terror in the state is genuine.

Interesting parallels from an article written under the caption ‘The CIA and the Cultural Cold War Revisited’ by James Petras published in November 1999 in the Monthly Review can be drawn.

The article details how the CIA penetrated and influenced a vast array of cultural organizations during the cold war. Some parts of the article detailing the attitudes of intellectuals funded or promoted by such organizations are furnished below.

“What was particularly bizarre about this collection of CIA-funded intellectuals was …… their pretense that they were disinterested seekers of truth, iconoclastic humanists, freespirited intellectuals, or artists for art’s sake, who counterposed themselves to the corrupted "committed" house "hacks" of the Stalinist apparatus.” (p 2)

( Observe the parrotted allegation of ‘pseudo’ intellectuals taught by “Ananda Bazaar Patrika” that anti-CPI (M) playwrights can’t stage their plays)

“The CIA was especially keen on publishing disillusioned ex-communists like Silone, Koestler, and Gide…… None of these prestigious intellectuals dared to raise any doubts or questions regarding U.S. support of the mass killing in colonial Indochina and Algeria, the witch hunt of U.S. intellectuals or the paramilitary (Ku Klux Klan) lynchings in the southern United States. Such banal concerns would only "play into the hands of the Communists," “(p 3)

(Thespian Bibhash Chakrabarty or Kaushik Sen were once seen sticking to Shri Budhadeb Bhattacharjee like leeches for favours. Afer achieving all what they wanted, they have changed side now. They have certainly added some glamour to the ‘Swajan’ rallies. They did not raise a single voice against Trinamool Congress (TMC)-led Bhumi Uchchhed Pratirodh Committee (BUPC) atrocities in Nandigram or one after another Maoist killing of CPI (M) activists in West Medinipur, Purulia and Bankura or thousands of poor people being driven out of their homes into refugee camps for the crime of being CPI (M) supporters. More interestingly, many Naxalite leaders like Purnendu Basu or Dola Sen who are close to Swajan said that such activities should not be condemned too much because that will strengthen the hand of CPI (M).)

“Many prestigious writers, poets, artists, and musicians proclaimed their independence from politics and declared their belief in art for art’s sake. The dogma of the free artist or intellectual, as someone disconnected from political engagement, gained ascendancy and is pervasive to this day.”(p 4)

(Almost all of our ‘Swajan’ intellectuals are saying that they are apolitical because all the political parties are dirty. They are only humanists, and against all form of violence. Democratic movements, according to them, would emerge spontaneously from the masses and without any political hue)

“CIA realized that, in order to undermine the anti-NATO trade unionists and intellectuals, it needed to find (or invent) a Democratic Left to engage in ideological warfare…... The Democratic Left was essentially used to combat the radical left and to provide an ideological gloss on U.S. hegemony in Europe…. Their job was not to question or demand, but to serve the empire in the name of "Western democratic values." (p 5)

(Our ultra-left politicians, along with the Maoists, are undoubtedly doing a good job in denouncing the CPI (M), the former in political and intellectual fields, the latter through the line of annihilation. And all of this is being done for the sake of democracy in this state. Even the Maoists in their pamphlets are exhorting that there is no democratic environment in West Bengal)

This Democratic Left’s anti-CPI (M) rhetorical ejaculations, humanist speeches and proclamations of faith in democratic values and freedom, were a useful ideological cover for the heinous crimes of the Maoist-TMC murderers and their lies and slanders about thousands of cases of rape and infanticide in Nandigram (whereas not a single case was found) and non-development in Lalgarh. If anti-Stalinism was the opium of the Democratic Left during the Cold War, human rights interventionism has the same narcotizing effect today, and deludes contemporary Democratic Leftists.


Taking full advantage of their esteemed profession and high position in the society, the ‘so-called’ intellectuals represented by few film actors, actresses, poets, singers, painters, stage and screen personalities adorned with lipstick, powder, facial make-ups, red ribbon tied around the forehead and other ornamental materials often visit Lalgarh in order to not only extend moral, technical and logistic support to the murderer Chatradhar Mahato and other Maoists working in the garb of “Police Santrash Birodhi Janasadharner Committee” (PSBJC) but also supply them arms, ammunition and money as well as help them in creating total lawlessness.

The ‘pseudo’ intellectuals habituated to live in air-conditioned palatial buildings and travel in air-conditioned flights and cars have started talking much about ‘poverty’ and “under development” amongst tribals. Did these clowns born with silver spoons ever experience what poverty is? These hypocrites have never been found getting involved in any sort of social work either in their localities or anywhere else. They have also never visited Lalgarh with food, clothings, books, pens, pencils, medicines and other basic needs for the poor tribals and their children. Throughout their life they remained engaged in amassing wealth and property. Now these ‘so-called’ intellectuals sold out by way of being on the pay roll of big business houses and imperialists are entrusted with the job of destabilizing the Left Front Government in West Bengal at any cost and anyhow.

The ‘so-called’ poverty of tribals in Lalgarh is nothing but an unacceptable excuse on the part of these ‘pseudo’ intellectuals who think themselves to be above the law of the land.

The Maoists observed “TWO DAYS VIOLENT AND DESTRUCTIVE BANDH” in the entire country demanding openly the release of their three top leaders Kobad Gandhi, Chatradhar Mahato and Chandrabhusan Yadav. But these perverted intellectuals playing into the hands of anti-national forces are still hell bent on proving that Chatradhar Mahato is a tribal leader but not a Maoist.

The Maoist movement in Lalgarh started with an attempt to murder the Chief Minister on 3rd November, 2008. In their subsequent demands, the Maoists never put forward any economic demand. All their demands were political relating to surrender by the Government, physically kneeling down of the Government Officials and winding up all police stations from Jangalmahal areas consisting of three districts including Lalgarh so as to create a free zone of Maoists. In order to achieve their goal they have started butchering CPI (M) leaders and cadres. The Maoists have already paralyzed the normal life in the entire Jangalmahal area.

The frauds have not uttered even a single word against the attempt of murder on the Chief Minister or other brutalities and atrocities perpetrated by the Maoists.

It is useless to expect anything positive from these self-centered hypocrites who have been suffering from intellectual bankruptcy and lack of pragmatism. Their “Friend, Philosopher and Guide” Mahasweta Devi is also not an exception to this. She talks so much about principle and democracy. But she did not hesitate to accept the “Magsaysay Award”, which was introduced in the name of President Ramon del Fierro Magsaysay who was responsible for the butchering of thousands of Communists and innocent people in Phillippines. If she were a genuine Leftist or if she had possessed mimimum conscience or morality or ethics or democratic point of view, she would not have cerrtainly accepted the award introduced in the name of a butcher.


Mahasweta Devi is proud for receiving “Magsaysay Award” which was introduced in the name of President Ramon del Fierro Magsaysay who was responsible for the butchering of thousands of Communists and innocent people in Phillippines. If she were a genuine Leftist or if she had possessed mimimum conscience or morality or ethics or democratic point of view, she would not have cerrtainly accepted the award introduced in the name of a butcher.
Below is a poem addressed to the ‘pseudo’ apolitical intellectual Mahasweta Devi and her team of hypocrites and perverts who have sold out their heart, soul and conscience to serve big business & media houses and imperialism for passing life in air-conditioned rooms and travelling in flights, air-condtioned trains & cars.


Guatemalan guerrilla fighter and poet Otto René Castillo
(translated by Margaret Randall)

One day the apolitical
of my country
will be interrogated
by the simplest
of our people.

They will be asked
what they did
when their nation died out
like a sweet fire
small and alone.

No one will ask them
about their dress,
their long siestas
after lunch,
no one will want to know
about their sterile combats
with "the idea
of the nothing"
no one will care about
their higher financial learning.

They won't be questioned
on Greek mythology,
or regarding their self-disgust
when someone within them
begins to diethe coward's death.

They'll be asked nothing
about their absurd
born in the shadow
of the total lie.
On that day
the simple men will come.

Those who had no place
in the books and poems
of the apolitical intellectuals,
but daily delivered
their bread and milk,
their tortillas and eggs,
those who drove their cars,
who cared for their dogs and gardens
and worked for them,
and they'll ask:

"What did you do when the poor
suffered, when tenderness
and life
burned out of them?"

Apolitical intellectuals
of my sweet country,
you will not be able to answer.

A vulture of silence
will eat your gut.

Your own misery
will pick at your soul.

And you will be mute in your shame.


Magsaysay Award Winner Mahasweta Devi and modern Rasputin Subhaprasanna and their team of ‘pseudo’ intellectuals remained silent when:

· Maoists in Lalgarh and Jangalmahal areas butchered 33 police personnel.

· The ambulance carrying Dr. Dhaniram Mandi, Nurse Bharati Majhi and Driver Pranay Mishir was blown up by Maoists killing all of them.

· Three Election Commission (EC) personnel, Prasad Banerjee, Sougata Karmakar and Sanjay Das (driver), were killed when Maoists triggered a landmine blast targeting their convoy after polling in Jamboni on 30th April, 2009.

· The Maoist-TMC-Congress-SUCI Alliance did not allow the relatives to dispose of the dead bodies of Salku Soren and 3 other poor tribals butchered by Maoists for 5 days.

· The Maoists and TMC workers danced and sang around the bodies of Salku Soren and 3 others for 5 days in the same manner as is practiced by cannibals.

· 2 policemen Sabbir Molla and Kanchan Gorai were abducted by Maoists on 30-07-2009. Still their whereabouts are not known.

· Kartick Mahato, a teacher, was butchered by Maoists within the classroom of a primary school in front of his students.

· The Maoists killed two police officers Dibakar Bhattacharjee and Swapan Roy within Sankrail Police Station in West Midnapur district abducted the Officer-in-Charge Atindra Narayan Dutta, looted 6 rifles, 1 revolver, 4 pistols and Rs. 9,27,000/- from the adjacent State Bank of India on 20-10-2009.

These hypocrites and perverts are not seen organizing processions, demonstrations, meetings, seminars and so on against the killing of innocent people by their darling Maoists, who are nothing but modern form of Fascists with red flag. On the other hand, they are shamelessly advocating for the “human rights” of the butchers.

It is useless to expect anything positive from these perverts because their “Friend, Philosopher and Guide” Mahasweta Devi did not hesitate to accept the “Magsaysay Award”, which was introduced in the name of President Ramon del Fierro Magsaysay who was responsible for the butchering of thousands of Communists and innocent people in Phillippines. If she were a genuine Leftist or if she had possessed mimimum conscience or morality or ethics or democratic point of view, she would not have cerrtainly accepted the award introduced in the name of a butcher.


On 15th of this month, Partha Chatterjee, Opposition Leader of West Bengal Legislative Assembly and 4 others MLAs belonging to TMC enacted a high-pitched drama most illegally before the chamber of Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Chief Minister, at Writers’ Buildings demanding his arrest on illogical and unreasonable grounds. They staged a ‘Dharna’ from 1-28 p.m. to 4-25 p.m. inviting the entire media for coverage and widespread publicity. The whole exercise was aimed at only one purpose of diverting the attention of the people from the exposed conspiracy hatched between Mamata Banerjee and Maoists at the residence of Subhaprasanna, who is now called the modern Rasputin of West Bengal, at night of 14th instant. The matter did not end here.

Their supremo Mamata Banerjee also incited her unruly and undisciplined supporters through “Star Anand” her own electronic media to take recourse to all sorts of destructive and obstructive methods.

The whole population of Kolkata and daily commuters were subjected to inhuman torture and sufferings in the name of blockade of roads and trains.
The normal life of the common people was brought to a standstill.

By winning some Parliamentary seats, these arrogant and bigheaded leaders think that they have obtained the license to do anything they desire or deem fit and proper. The public is at the mercy of their whims and caprices.

It is not known how long the common people will go on tolerating this kind of hooliganism and atrocities on the part of handful rowdies without any protest.


It is an open secret that Mamata Banerjee has always been habituated in using offensive language against Jyoti Basu, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and other leaders of the Left Front and the CPI (M).

Her disciples and party leaders are also no less than her in this respect. A few glaring examples of the same are enough to substantiate the same.

Just on the eve of Parliamentary Elections, 2009 Shri Kalyan Banerjee, the then TMC Candidate, while addressing an election meeting at Serampore, Hooghly used most abusive and filthy language against Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal. The Election Commission of India was forced to reprimand him for the same.

Similarly, Tapas Paul, M.P., used dirty language against Congress Party while addressing a rally at Krishnanagar, Nadia. He termed Congress as “a dog licking the feet of CPI (M)”.

At about 1-30 a.m. on 14-10-2009 Soma Das and two other reporters of the Bengali TV News Channel “24 Ghanta” were brutally heckled and manhandled physically by the Central Ministers Mamata Banerjee and Mukul Roy, Purnendu Bose and Dola Sen, the last two being Naxalite leaders in front of the residence of modern Rasputin Subhaprasanna. During this on going, Mukul Roy called Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee by names of his father.

Again, Shri Sisir Adhikari, Minister of State, Government of India, took recourse to abusive and offensive language while addressing mass meeting on 21-10-2009.

There is no denying the fact that this use of language is prevalent in the underworld only. It is certainly not in keeping with the vocabulary and cultural heritage of Bengal.

As a matter of fact, Mamata Banerjee and her colleagues have introduced the language of the underworld in the politics of West Bengal without considering its dire consequences on the society and the future generation.

There success in the recently held Parliamentary Elections has emboldened them further.

It is increasingly being felt that ff they are not desisted immediately, the society has to pay high prices for the same in the future.


In recent times, the brutalities and atrocities of the Maoists in different states have surpassed all limitations of tolerance. Thousands of innocent people, government officials and policed personnel have not only been butchered by them but they have also blown up schools, railway stations, railway tracks, mobile towers, police stations, government offices, post offices and so on.

Both Dr. Manmohan Singh and P. Chidambaram have been repeatedly saying unequivocally that the Maoists are the single largest threat to the internal security of the nation. But Mamata Banerjee has been keeping close touch with the Maoists to get some petty and narrow political mileage. Her party along with Maoists is engaged in one after another murder and destructive activities in West Bengal. Being an important Minister on the cabinet of Dr. Manmohan Singh, she is not only openly criticizing the joint operation carried out by the Central Government and the State Government against the Maoists in Lalgarh but also demanding immediate stoppage of the same.

This action on her part has been casting serious aspersion on the goodwill and reputation of Dr. Manmohan Singh and his ministry. Moreover, the common people are utterly confused and worried over moving of Dr. Singh and Mamata Banerjee in two irreconcilably different ways.

It is not understood why does he still tolerate her? Even if she and her 18 members withdraw from his ministry, it will not be affected in any manner, whatsoever, because he enjoys the support of more than 300 members in the Parliament.

He should, therefore, sack her immediately from his cabinet in national interest rising above party politics and use “Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 2009” against her immediately for patronizing antinational terrorist outfits.

She is certainly not above the law of the land.


The Indian Railways was a symbol of pride, punctuality and comfort till recently. Since the day Mamata Banerjee has taken the charge of the Railway Ministry, it has in fact landed in a state of utter mess and anarchy. Instead of serving the whole nation as a Central Minister, she is more interested in remaining in West Bengal most of the time inciting her supporters to create law and order problems with an eye to the next assembly elections to be held in 2011.Besides, she is engaged in the drama of inaugurating one after another old trains in new names spending extravagantly from public exchequer. Moreover, she has been imposing her whimsical and fanciful decisions on the railways for petty political gains. Following are the adverse affects created as a result of her drama, inefficiency, total apathy and whimsical decisions.

· Frequent Railway accidents have become a common phenomenon.

· Dacoities and loot of railway passengers throughout the country has increased manifolds.

· The safety and security of the railway passengers are at stake.

· Developmental works in the Indian Railways have practically come to a standstill.

· The Indian Railways have been incurring heavy losses due to accommodation of some ‘so-called’ intellectuals of her liking on different newly created committees at huge costs.

· The blowing up of railway stations, railway tracks and other valuable properties of the Indian Railways by her trusted ally the Maoists has increased manifolds.

· Most of the train donot maintain time.


Some ‘so-called’ intellectuals as well as ‘pseudo’ human rights activists representing the Maoists have been urging the Governments both at the centre and the states to lay down arms and shun ‘so-called’ state terror as a pre-condition for a dialogue with the Maoists. They are of course intentionally playing into the hands of the antinational terrorist outfit with some ulterior motive despite knowing fully their ultimate aim, objective and modus operandi.

These perverts never condemn one after another brutality perpetrated by the Maoists in different states for the last few years. Abduction, extortion of money at gun point, butchering, open trial & sentencing to death in public and other gruesome activities on the part of the Maoists seem to them a birthright of the perpetrators. On the other hand, whenever the Government arrests any of them or takes any action in the defence of the common people from he Maoist marauders they plunge into the arena making a hue and cry in the name of ‘so-called’ human rights and natural justice for them under the constitution, which the Maoists discard.

The Maoists believe in the “annihilation of class enemies” and in “extreme violence” as a means to armed seizure of state power through guerrilla warfare. With this perspective, participation in elections and engagement with the prevailing ‘democracy’ are rejected. Their actions and ideas are incompatible to a democratic set up.

As part of its strategy, the cadres of both the CPI and the CPI (M) are declared as class enemies; whereas Mamata Banerjee, her party TMC and SUCI are considered class friends.

It supports all the ‘so-called’ nationalities’ struggles going in different parts of the country including ‘Gorkhaland’ and ‘Kamtapuri’ agitations for separate homelands, armed struggle in ‘Kashmir’ by Pakistani supported militants for independence and all secessionist movements of northeast.

Its armed force have 7000 armed cadres, 6000 fire arms including a large number of rifles of AK variety, light machine guns, self-loading rifles, carbines, 303s, grenades, revolvers, pistols and landmine technologies. It has also a technical squad which manufactures 12 bore guns and its ammunitions, repairs all kinds of weapons and assembles grenades.

This Maoist terrorist outfit is actually a perversion of Marxism-Leninism. It is an organization of assassins, hired killers, extortionists, blackmailers and mercenaries. It reportedly owns a fund amounting to more than 1,500 crores. The operation of the Maoists not only remain concentrated to kidnapping and looting of passengers traveling in trains and buses but also felling and selling of costly trees in collusion with wood smugglers in Jharkhand, Lalgarh, Jangalmahal and other areas. They also blow up bridges and other structures made of low quality materials to destroy proofs and evidences in order to help the contractors in exchange of money. In the name of fighting SEZ they are actually creating their own SEZ (Special Exploitation Zone) wherein these activities can be carried out uninterruptedly in the name of ‘so-called’ revolution and ‘Maoism’.

It must be underlined that contrary to the claims made by a section of pro-Maoist intellectuals that they are revolutionaries; these self-styled Maoists have nothing in common with the work and practice of the great revolutionary Mao-Ze Dong. During the lifetime and after the demise of Comrade Mao, the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) never used the term ‘Maoism,’ to denote a new theory. Rather, in the literature of the CPC and in the documents of their Party Congress's, the CPC has said that it follows Marxism-Leninism and Mao-ze Dong Thought.

It is evident through the interpretation of the CPC how Mao applied Marxism-Leninism to the specific conditions obtaining in China basing on its special characteristics. This is known as Mao-ze Dong thought. Those who are using the term ‘Maoism,’ are completely disregarding and dishonoring the vast revolutionary activities of Mao. These self-styled Maoists have degenerated into armed groups and have no qualms in killing poor people who dare oppose their extortionist terror.

This terrorist outfit is active in 156 districts of 17 states that include Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Uttaranchal and Kerala. It is responsible for 90% of the violence in the country. 721 people were killed in 1,591 Maoist attacks in 2008 and till August this year, 1,405 attacks claimed 580 lives spread over 11 states.

Maoist influence runs through a stretch of territory referred to as the "Red Corridor". Their objective of 'liberating' their proposed “Compact Revolutionary Zone” (CRZ) in other words “Red Corridor” extends from Nepal through Bihar Jharkhand in the North to Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Dandakaranya region (forest areas of Central India) and Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh in the South. Areas in western Orissa and eastern Uttar Pradesh are also under Maoist influence. And they have some presence in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka as well. In most areas of the “Red Corridor” they operate as a hit-and-run force.

The intention is to have a continuous stretch of territory under their influence and control, with the ultimate goal of eventually "liberating" the entire zone. Large parts of this territory have already been brought under the extremist influence with only some link-ups now necessary in the remaining pockets to make the CRZ a reality. Once achieved, the CRZ will virtually drive a wedge through the vital areas of the country, and would help crystallize linkages with other Maoist groups operating in South Asia.

Districts that fall in the “Red Corridor” are rich in minerals like iron ore and bauxite. But the people living there, who are largely Adivasi or tribal are desperately poor. Exploited by forest officials, contractors, mining companies and middlemen and neglected by the state, villagers in the Red Corridor are among the worst off in the country. And it is to liberate them from their oppressors and the Indian state that the Maoists claim to be waging their armed struggle.

It is true the Maoists have improved life for the Adivasis by forcing local officials to dig wells or pay better wages to the villagers. But over time, the liberators have turned oppressors themselves. Villagers who don't obey the Maoists have been killed and Maoist violence stands in the way of development projects. The Maoists have worsened the daily lives of some of India's most exploited people.

As a matter of fact, the Maoists want to create a new independent domain within the country where the Indian Constitution shall not be applicable. This one and only one aim and objective will be achieved with the help of other anti-national outfits, ‘so-called’ intellectuals, ‘pseudo’ human rights activists, a section of media glorifying them and forces across the border.


The following is the circumstances in which Salwa Judum evolved in the state of Chhattisgarh.

In the beginning, the Bastar tribals welcomed the Maoists because they were harassed by corrupt revenue, police and forest officials and were exploited by the traders from plains areas who never gave them fair price for their products. The Maoists appeared as the benefactors, protecting and upholding their interests. However, in due course, as the Maoists entrenched themselves in the region, they started showing insensitivity to the feelings of tribals. They interfered with the social customs and cultural practices of the local tribals. Ghotuls were closed. Weekly bazaars were looted. Traditional celebrations at the time of marriage were discouraged. Images of Buddhadeb (Lord Shiva) were damaged and the tribals were asked to worship Mao only. Village priests were driven away. All this deeply hurt the tribals. There was a strong feeling of resentment. The Maoists did not allow the tribals to pluck tendu leaves also. This was a regular source of income for them and every family earned Rs.10, 000 to 15,000 from the trade. This was denied to them. The resultant economic hardship proved to be the proverbial last straw. Enough was enough, the tribals felt.

It was against this background that the tribals rebelled against the Maoists. Large groups of people held rallies where they expressed their vehement opposition to the aggressions of the Maoists. This was the beginning of Salwa Judum, reflecting the resentment of the tribals against the activities of Maoists interfering with their social customs, cultural practices and hurting their economic interests. Mahendra Karma, Congress (I) Leader, gave them the leadership. It was a spontaneous movement, though it is also a fact that at present the camps are being maintained and financed by the state government.


At the deaths of Rizwanur Rehaman in Kolkata and 14 people at Nandigram, Mahasweta Devi and her team of perverted intellectuals human rights activists had organized candle processions, rallies, seminars, meetings and conventions. All of them performed feats and tricks of jugglery (Madari Ka Khel) and sang & danced to the tune set by the imperialists, international finance capital and big business houses. They compared Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee with Hitler and Narendra Modi and gave a call for change (Parivartan) in West Bengal during last Parliamentary Elections held in May, 2009.

More than 300 innocent people including landless labourers, peasants, grocers, teachers, doctors, nurse, government officials, police personnel, artisans etc. have already been butchered by Maoist-TMC Alliance in the last few months. Thousands of people have been rendered homeless and jobless. 33 police personnel, 1 doctor, 1 nurse and 4 government officials on duty have also been killed by them.

But the hypocritical intellectuals belonging to ‘Sushil Samaj’ @ ‘Nagarik Samaj’ @ ‘Biddwajan’ @ ‘Swajan’ have been shamelessly maintaining criminal silence.

The people of the country have recognized these perverts in the garb of ‘so-called’ intellectuals and their fraudulency.


The Magsaysay Award has been introduced in the name of Ramon del Fierro Magsaysay. Who was Magsaysay and what was his political outlook? What for the said award has been introduced?

Ramon del Fierro Magsaysay (August 31, 1907 - March 17, 1957) was the third President of the Third Republic of the
Philippines from December 30, 1953 until his death in a plane crash on 17th March, 1957. He was a diehrd anti-Communist. He was elected President under the banner of the Nacionalista Party.

On April 23, 1946, Magsaysay was elected as an Independent to the
Philippine House of Representatives. In 1949 he was re-elected to a second term in the House of Representatives. During both terms he was Chairman of the House National Defense Committee.

In early August 1950 he offered
President Quirino a plan to fight the Communist guerillas, using his own experiences in guerrilla warfare during World War II. After some hesitation, Quirino realized that there was no alternative and appointed Magsaysay Secretary of National Defence on August 31, 1950. He intensified his campaign against the Communist guerillas. He killed brutally thousands of Communists and Leftists as well as suppressed their just struggle. This success was due in part to the unconventional methods he employed and developed alongside an American adviser, General Edward Lansdale.

In June 1952 Magsaysay made a goodwill tour to the United States and Mexico.

He was convinced that the only way to continue his fight against Communism was to be elected President ousting the existing administration that, in his opinion, had caused the rise of the Communist guerrillas. He resigned his post as Defense Secretary on February 28, 1953, and became the Presidential Candidate of the
Nacionalista Party, disputing the nomination with senator Camilo OsĂ­as at the Nacionalista national convention. In the Election of 1953, Magsaysay was decisively elected president over the incumbent Elpidio Quirino.

As president, he was a close friend and supporter of the
United States and a vocal spokesman against Communism during the Cold War. He led the foundation of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization also known as the Manila Pact of 1954, that aimed to defeat Communist-Marxist movements in South East Asia, South Asia and the Southwestern Pacific.

On March 17, 1957 Magsaysay died in a plane crash while flying back to Manila from Cebu.
The award under the name and style “Magsaysay Award” has been introduced after his name to felicitate and acknowledge blind anti-Communist intellectuals only working in Asia in order to encourage and promote them in their activities. So, as a part of this anti-Communist objective and campaign.

Mahasweta Devi and Sambhu Mitra are two such intellectuals in India who received this award with pride.


The pro-imperialist and blind anti-Communist Governor of West Bengal is a man of man of many parts and personality with learning, passion, emotion and compassion. But bad people say that all these qualities are prejudiced and one eyed. He is not so innocent and impartial as he pretends to look. Besides, he is also in possession of an unusual ‘conscience’. It wakes up all on a sudden only when Mamata Banerjee and her rainbow alliance of Maoist, TMC, Congress, SUCI, few Perverted Intellectuals, politically motivated Media, some NGOs and so-called Human Rights Originations desire and demand in times of need to push their political agenda of overthrowing the Left Front Government in West Bengal. In fact, he is the “Friend, Philosopher and Guide” of this alliance and the Governor House has become a centre for hatching political conspiracy against the Left Front Government.

There is no denying the fact that the Governor is a constitutional head of a state. So, he has two options only. He may call the Chief Minister or any of his Ministers for discussion on any matter which he considers to be serious. The second option is that he may send his report to the Central Government. One eminent Indian Constitutional Expert has very rightly commented that the Governor cannot have any personal view. He has to work within the constitutional limitations. He has no scope for possessing any opinion different from that of the state government.

In Shamsher Singh Vs State of Punjab, the Supreme Court held that the President and the Governors are only constitutional heads and they exercise their power and functions with the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers and not personally. Wherever the constitution requires the ‘satisfaction’ of the President or the Governor, the ‘satisfaction’ is not the personal satisfaction of the President or the Governor but it is the satisfaction of the Council of Ministers.

But the frequent politically motivated statements issued by him for landing the Left Front Government in constitutional crisis has earned him the unequivocal praise of Mamata Banerjee and her rainbow alliance. To tell the truth, instead of discharging impartially and honestly his duties as a constitutional head, he himself has been in the arena trying to embarrass, heckle and humiliate the Left Front Government and tarnish its image in the estimation of the people throughout the country. He has been instrumental in sabotaging the industrial resurgence of the state. His modus operandi for creating constitutional crisis in the state with the help of the opposition has, therefore, considerably and definitely lowered and damaged the dignity, honour, prestige and status of this august office. It, therefore, not only goes against the spirit of the Constitution but also aimed at subverting it.

The tenure of the West Bengal Governor is going to expire very shortly. If he leaves West Bengal, the rainbow alliance will become orphan and guideless. It, therefore, invariably and certainly needs his prejudiced service and some more skillfully drafted public statements similar to those of 15-03-2007 and 09-11-2007 till the next assembly elections going to be held in 2011 so as to dislodge the Left Front Government with his advice, guidance and blessings. So, relentless efforts are already on by them to keep him in West Bengal till the next elections.

If the Central Government tries to keep the most controversial, prejudiced and politically motivated Governor of West Bengal for another term on the recommendations of Mamata Banerjee and her rainbow alliance, it will undoubtedly go against the very spirit of federal fabric of our country and create unnecessary political turmoil in the state.

West Bengal has tolerated him beyond limitations. Enough is enough. The sooner he leaves West Bengal; the better for the industrial resurgence and people of this state.

LALGARH: FEAR, POWER AND OBEDIENCE by Parveen Swami (Published in ‘The Hindu’ dated July 3, 2009)


Four years ago, in a newspaper interview that went unnoticed even in West Bengal, ‘Comrade Dhruba’ described plans for a guerrilla campaign that would stretch from Medinipur to Malda. But the Communist Party of India (Maoist) central committee member had words of reassurance for his impeccably bourgeois, English-speaking audience. “We do not plan violence in Kolkata,” he said, “because when we establish our bases there, the people will be forced to obey us.”

Marketed as an authentic adivasi rebellion against misrule, backwardness and human rights abuses, the still-unfolding violence in Lalgarh in fact provides graphic insights into exactly how India’s Maoists command obedience. Lalgarh’s key leaders — a caste-Hindu from Andhra Pradesh with a Kalashnikov in hand, and an affluent public-works contractor backed by the Trinamool Congress — have demonstrated that there is an intimate relationship between fear and power.

Fittingly, perhaps, the Lalgarh crisis began with a murderous act of violence — albeit an abortive one. Minutes after West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee left the site of a new steel plant on November 2, 2008, a massive improvised explosive device went off under the road he had just passed over. If rats in the fields around Salboni hadn’t chewed through the kilometre-long wire connecting the IED to the hands which controlled the explosion, Mr. Bhattacharjee would have died.

For months before the bombing, there had been localised protests against the construction of the Rs. 350 billion JSW-Bengal Steel plant at Salboni. No large-scale displacement of local residents was involved. Of the 5,000 acres needed to build the plant, 4,500 acres were owned by the State government, while the remaining 500 were purchased by the JSW-Bengal Steel at relatively high prices. But Maoist-affiliated groups argued that the State had no right to the forest land it was making over to the plant: it belonged, they insisted, to the region’s adivasis.

The police responded to the November 2 bombing by detaining over a dozen Lalgarh area residents for questioning — a far from unusual practice after a major terrorist attack. Many of those detained, predictably, had no connection with terrorists. On November 3, for example, the police held retired schoolteacher Kshmananda Mahato and three teenage school students, Eben Muru, Goutam Patra and Buddhadev Patra. Even though all four were let off the next day, some local residents were incensed.


Matters came to a head on November 5. Early that morning, the police raided the village of Chhoto Pelia in search of Sasadhar Mahato — the fugitive CPI (Maoist) operative alleged to have commanded the attempted assassination of the Chief Minister. Fighting broke out between them and the local residents who the police claim were compelled by the Maoists present in the village to obstruct their way. Fourteen women were injured; one woman, Chhitmani Murmu, lost an eye.

From November 7, the anger transformed into street protests. Led by the Bharat Jakat Majhi Marwa (BJMM), a body of traditional adivasi community leaders, Salboni residents closed roads and blockaded the Lalgarh police station. On November 14, though, the BJMM leadership reached an agreement with the local authorities. But its workers were now attacked by members of the newly-formed Police Santrosh Birodhi Janasadharaner Committee (People’s Committee Against Police Atrocities: PSBJC), which accused the traditional adivasi leadership of selling out the people it represented.

Who constituted the PSBJC? Its principal leader, Chattradhar Mahato, was a long-standing Trinamool Congress supporter who had made a small fortune from public-works contracts — and fugitive Maoist Sasadhar Mahato’s brother. Trinamool leaders claim he was expelled two years ago, but have produced no evidence to back this claim. Notably, Trinamool Congress flags were regularly flown by the PSBJC cadre at their protests; at many places in Lalgarh, the party’s banners still share space with those of the CPI (Maoist).

From the outset, it was clear that the PSBJC had no intention of making peace. Its demands were designed to invite rejection: that West Medinipur’s Superintendent of Police do penance by performing “sit-ups holding his ears;” that all policemen in Lalgarh crawl on all fours from Dalilpur to Chhoto Pelia, rubbing their noses in the dirt; that all those arrested on terrorism-related charges since 1998 be released.

Even then, the State government attempted to stave off a confrontation. On November 27, the day of the deadline set by the PSBJC, the West Bengal police shut down 13 posts and camps in the Lalgarh area. Later, on December 1, two more police posts were abandoned. But West Bengal’s increasingly desperate efforts to make peace failed — and a murderous meltdown followed.

The PSBJC announced the suspension of its struggle — but on ground, formed a parallel administration. Its Maoist allies prevented the entry of the police and administration in the villages of Belpahari, Binpur, Lalgarh, Jamboni, Salboni and Goaltore. From here, the Maoist death squads launched a series of increasingly brutal attacks. BJMM’s Sudhir Mandal, who organised a massive anti-Maoist rally in December, was shot dead. In February 2009, Maoists fired on the funeral procession of the assassinated Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader, Nandalal Pal, killing three. Five more CPI(M) supporters were killed in April, as were four poll staff and police personnel. June brought a fresh wave of attacks.

“The Maoists did not capture Lalgarh,” counter-terrorism analyst Ajai Sahni observes, “the State deserted the people.”

Maoist groups had long been preparing the ground for just such a situation. In 2005, following the assassination of CPI(M) leaders Raghunath Murmu, Bablu Mudi and Mahendra Mahato, the prestigious South Asia Intelligence Review warned of the possibility of a “Naxalbari Redux” — a reference to the Darjeeling district hamlet from where, in March 1967, began a six-year Maoist insurgency that claimed hundreds of lives.

Documents seized from three CPI (Maoist) leaders, researcher Saji Cherian noted in the article, showed plans to attack or blow up police stations. There were also notebooks with details of how adivasis in Bankura, Purulia and West Medinipur were to be educated about their exploitation — and how they could be “freed.”

Starting with an October 14, 2004, attack which claimed the lives of six Eastern Frontier Rifles personnel in West Medinipur district, the CPI (Maoist) launched increasingly ferocious attacks.


It also made political allies. In February last year, the West Bengal police arrested Himadri Sen-Roy, the Bengal state secretary of the CPI (Maoist). From Roy’s interrogation, the police acquired a mass of details on how the Maoists were developing a symbiotic relationship with the Trinamool Congress and the welter of so-called civil society movements that had sprung up to oppose West Bengal’s industrialisation drive.

Top Maoist leaders, Sen-Roy is said to have told the police, visited Nandigram in 2006, soon after the Trinamool Congress and Islamist groups initiated what would turn into a bloody confrontation. They sensed opportunity. Sen-Roy claims to have persuaded a range of political figures that their interests and those of the CPI (Maoist) were similar: among them, Trinamool leader Subendhu Adhikari and eminent writer and activist Mahashweta Devi.
Early in 2007, Sen-Roy is alleged to have said, Maoist military commanders purchased Rs. 8 lakh worth of weapons — six .315-bore rifles and ammunition — to set up an armed unit in Nandigram. Dozens of locally-made weapons were also purchased to arm new cadre. The weapons were stored at Sonachura in East Medinipur, an area which saw some of the worst violence during the Nandigram agitation.

Meanwhile, top CPI (Maoist) commander Molajella Koteswar Rao set about constructing military infrastructure in the Lalgarh area. According to Sen-Roy’s testimony to the police — which, under the law, is not admissible in a court — Rao extorted between Rs. 8 lakh every month from roads, construction and forest-produce contracts operating in the districts of Paschim Medinipur, Bankura and Purulia. In addition, CPI (Maoist) units outside West Bengal pumped in a further Rs. 1.5 lakh a month to train recruits in Jharkhand and Orissa’s Mayurbhanj forests.

By 2008, the Intelligence Bureau was reporting Maoist activity in all but one of West Bengal’s 18 districts. Three districts — Bankura, West Medinipur and Purulia —were graded among the most affected in the country. Between January and October 2008, 21 fatalities were reported from the districts in 34 Maoist attacks.

Like the Lalgarh violence, these killings did nothing for the poor adivasis in whose name they were executed: but the CPI (Maoist) doesn’t seem to care.

In one recent interview, Koteswar Rao candidly admitted that his party was willing to endorse almost any form of violence: “We do not support the way they attacked the Victoria station [sic.]”, he said of the Lashkar-e-Taiba jihadists who executed November’s carnage in Mumbai, “where most of the victims were Muslims. At the same time, we feel that the Islamic upsurge should not be opposed as it is basically anti-U.S. and anti-imperialist in nature. We, therefore, want it to grow.”

West Bengal will be a test of whether democratic institutions prove capable of resisting this cult of death.

LALGARH: IS IT LIBERATED OR RULED BY FEAR? by Praveen Swami (26-6-2009 - The Hindu)

Is the violence in West Medinipur district really an adivasi uprising?
Land reform has given adivasis a high level of freedom and security
Poll results in the area showed no resentment against CPI(M)

LALGARH: Early this month, as police marched into the forests around Lalgarh, the adivasi residents of Salboni were told, by Maoists, to start building barricades.

Insurgents armed with rifles and side-arms watched over the villagers as they felled trees and dug trenches. Not surprisingly, no one disputed their orders.

But on Monday, Bongaram Lohar summoned courage to speak up on behalf of the dozens of local residents who had been press-ganged into the building work. For his defiance, Mr. Lohar was brutally beaten up and forced to flee the village.

Most commentary has cast the violence in Lalgarh as an expression of primal adivasi rage: rage against being denied development and justice. One critic even claimed the Lalgarh region had, for the past three decades, been “untouched by development.”

But Mr. Lohar’s story — and a mass of empirical evidence — give reason to doubt this telling of the story.


Back in 1977, after the first Left Front government took power in West Bengal, entire villages were freed from the control of jotdars, or landlords, by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) workers.

Data from West Bengal’s Department of Land and Land reforms shows that till 2002-03, land measuring 16,280 hectares was redistributed to peasants in the blocks of Jhargram, Binpur and Salboni — the areas now under Maoist assault. “In the Jhargram block village where I conduct research”, says Aparajita Bakshi, Senior Research Fellow at the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata, “75 per cent of all households are land reform beneficiaries. Of Scheduled Tribe households, no less than 70 per cent gained agricultural land and 90 per cent gained homestead land as a result of land reform.”

Income poverty and deprivation continue to exist throughout the region — but land reform has given adivasis a level of freedom and security their counterparts in the rest of India do not enjoy.

Marketed as the liberation of Lalgarh, Maoist rule, in fact, made the life of most adivasis worse. Income from forest produce, on which most local residents are dependent, dried up. Government programmes intended to mitigate hardship collapsed altogether.

“In November,” says Bhumidhansola resident Manek Singh, “the Maoists forbade us to enter the forests to cut wood. The Forest Department used to pay us Rs.70 a day for this work. Now, no one even enters this area to purchase the leaf-plates we make. We have been left with nothing.”


Faced with extortion and attacks by Maoists, government staff also fled the area. Lalgarh residents told The Hindu that the Integrated Child Development Scheme workers were ordered to pay Rs.1,000 each month; school teachers and staff at the Block Development Office said they were compelled to part with twice as much to local Maoists.
Following the assassination of government doctor Honiran Murmu and staff nurse Bharati Majhi in October, the Lalgarh area has had almost no access to health care.


Election data debunks the idea that there is a popular rebellion against the CPI(M) under way in Lalgarh.

In the 2006 elections to the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, the CPI(M) had won six of the seven Assembly seats which together make up the Jhargram Lok Sabha seat: Garhbeta East, Garhbeta West (SC), Salbani, Nayagram (ST), Gopiballavpur and Jhargram. The CPI(M) has held the Jhargram Lok Sabha seat, of which Lalgarh is a part, ever since 1977.


Last year, the West Bengal Police carried out raids across the Lalgarh area, following a November 2 attempt to assassinate Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. Fighting between police and Maoist supporters broke out during the raids; several people were injured.

Backed by the Maoists, Trinamool Congress leader Chhatradar Mahato — the brother of the principal accused in the November 2 bombing — set up the Police Santras Birodhi Janaganer Committee (PSBJC), or People’s Committee Against Police Atrocities.

The PSBJC activists blocked roads, shut off police access to the area, and attacked CPI(M) workers.

Prior to this year’s Lok Sabha elections, the Maoists even initiated protests insisting that the police not enter the villages of Boro Pelia, Chhoto Pelia, Dalilpur Chowk and Khas Jungle — all areas where they had a substantial armed presence.

Had the PSBJC represented widespread resentment against the CPI(M), it ought to have showed up in this year’s Lok Sabha elections. But Jhargram constituency swam against the anti-CPI(M) tide. The CPI(M) candidate, Pulin Bihar Baske, polled 5,45,231 votes, giving him a respectable lead over the 2,52,886 claimed by the Congress’ Amrit Hansda. Mr. Baske even won in the Binpur Assembly segment, of which Lalgarh is a part.


How, then, have the Maoists gained so much influence in Lalgarh? Jharkhand Party candidate Chunibala Hansda had this simple answer for one journalist reporting on the Lok Sabha elections: “People are scared of them”.

Last year, even as the PSBJC was mobilising people against the West Bengal government, the Bharat Jakat Majhi Marwa — an organisation of traditional adivasi community leaders, which is opposed to the CPI(M) — organised a rally to protest Maoist violence. More than 10,000 adivasis gathered in Bhulabheda area of Belpahari on December 9.
Sudhir Mandal, the adivasi leader who organised the rally, was shot dead less than 48 hours later.


The Maoists believe in the “annihilation of class enemies” and in “extreme violence” as a means to armed seizure of state power through guerrilla warfare. With this perspective, participation in elections and engagement with the prevailing ‘democracy’ are rejected. Their actions and ideas are incompatible to a democratic set up.

The CPI (Maoist) is a four-tier organization. The first tier consists of Maoist ideologues, the 2nd the ‘so-called’ intellectuals and human rights organization, the 3rd being its frontal organizations and the 4th the armed cadres.

The Maoist terrorist outfit is actually a perversion of Marxism-Leninism. In fact, it is an organization of assassins, hired killers, extortionists, blackmailers and mercenaries. It reportedly owns a fund amounting to more than 1,500 crores. The operation of the Maoists not only remain concentrated to kidnapping and looting of passengers traveling in trains and buses but also felling and selling of costly trees in collusion with wood smugglers in Jharkhand, Lalgarh, Jangalmahal and other areas. They also blow up bridges and other structures made of low quality materials to destroy proofs and evidences in order to help the contractors in exchange of money. In the name of fighting SEZ they are actually creating their own SEZ (Special Exploitation Zone) wherein these activities can be carried out uninterruptedly in the name of ‘so-called’ revolution and ‘Maoism’.

In last one year (from September, 2008 to August, 2009) the Maoists have killed 253 police personnel in different parts of the country.

Maharashtra is the worst affected state. Here, so far the Maoists have killed 72 police personnel. Next comes Chhattisgarh where 68 policemen have become victim to the Maoist violence. Then comes Jharkhand where 51 police personnel have fallen prey to the Maoists.

So far they have killed a total of 845 security personnel including police in the country. The state wise figure is as hereunder.


4 jawans of CISF killed in Chathisgarh


17 policemen killed in Gadchirouli, Maharashtra


2 policemen killed in Bijapur, Karnataka


11 policemen killed in Jharkhand


10 policemen in killed in Jharkhand


9 policemen killed in Jharkhand


16 policemen killed in Gadchirouli in Maharashtra


10 policemen killed in Orissa


21 policemen killed in Orissa


38 policemen killed in Orissa


12 policemen killed in Orissa


24 policemen killed in Chathisgarh


9 policemen killed in Bihar


5 policemen killed in Chathisgarh


49 policemen killed in Chathisgarh


25 policemen killed in Chathisgarh


8 policemen killed in Chathisgarh

Some ‘so-called’ intellectuals as well as ‘pseudo’ human rights activists representing the Maoists have been urging the Governments both at the centre and the states to lay down arms and shun ‘so-called’ state terror as a pre-condition for a dialogue with the Maoists. They are of course intentionally playing into the hands of the antinational terrorist outfit with some ulterior motive despite knowing fully their ultimate aim, objective and modus operandi.

These perverts never condemn one after another brutality perpetrated by the Maoists in different states for the last few years. Abduction, extortion of money at gun point, butchering, open trial & sentencing to death in public and other gruesome activities on the part of the Maoists seem to them a birthright of the perpetrators. On the other hand, whenever the Government arrests any of them or takes any action in the defence of the common people from the Maoist marauders they plunge into the arena making a hue and cry in the name of ‘so-called’ human rights and natural justice for them under the constitution, which the Maoists discard.


The opinion expressed by top Maoist leader Kishanji and Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee in respect of each other in different media from time to time.


“Trinamool Congress is a party led by an individual. So, it is possible for it to work for the common people. Mamata Banerjee is the fittest person for the chair of the Chief Minister of West Bengal. So, we want to see her as the next CM.”


“If Kishanji has really faith in us it is good. I request Kishanji for a dialogue and discussion with us.”


“We were with the TMC in Nandigram and Khejuri. Mamata Banerjee is to decide whether she would remain with us in Lalgarh or help the atrocities of the joint forces.”


“There is no ‘Mao’ or ‘Meu’ in Lalgarh. Here, people are fighting against non-development. We support the ongoing agitation in Lalgarh.”


“Mamata Banerjee should take initiative to stop join operation in Lalgarh. She is in the Central Cabinet. She should demand stoppage of state terror.”


“The joint force is committing atrocities on the people of Lalgarh. The Central Government has not done proper by sending CRPF at the request of the CPI (M). We demand immediate stoppage of joint operation.”


“Maoists have not killed anyone in Lalgarh for creating terror. The people have punished the CPI (M) and the police for their atrocities.”


“Nobody is killing the CPI (M) supporters. The are being killed due to their own internal quarrel.”


“I congratulate the intellectuals of Kolkata for supporting the Lalgarh agitation.”


“The intellectuals have done nothing wrong in going to Lalgarh to extend their support to the Lalgarh agitation led by Chatradhar Mahato. They can act as negotiators for discussion with the Maoists.”


“The joint operation has to be stopped. The police have to remain confined to camps. I cannot guarantee the life of the abducted Officer-in-Charge of the Sankrail Police Station.”


“It is to be considered afresh, whether the joint operation is yielding any result or not. I am a Central Minister. So, I cannot say anything further. It is not possible.”


There is no denying the fact that the Maoist terrorist outfit is a perversion of Marxism-Leninism. In fact, it is an organization of assassins, hired killers, extortionists, blackmailers, abductors and mercenaries. It reportedly owns a fund amounting to more than 1,500 crores. The operation of the Maoists not only remain concentrated to kidnapping and looting of passengers traveling in trains and buses but also felling and selling of costly trees in collusion with wood smugglers in Jharkhand, Lalgarh, Jangalmahal and other areas. They also blow up bridges and other structures made of low quality materials to destroy proofs and evidences in order to help the contractors in exchange of money. In the name of fighting SEZ they are actually creating their own SEZ (Special Exploitation Zone) wherein these activities can be carried out easily and uninterruptedly in the name of ‘so-called’ revolution and ‘Maoism’.

It is in close contact with NSCN (IM) and ULFA, ex-LTTE cadres, National Socialist Council of Nagaland (I-M), Pakistan supported terrorist outfits and other separatist movements of North-East. They are in possession of at least 6,500 regular weapons including AK 47 rifles and SLRs

The CPI (Maoist) is a four-tier organization. The first tier consists of Maoist ideologues, the 2nd the ‘so-called’ intellectuals and human rights organization, the 3rd being its frontal organizations and the 4th the armed cadres operating in different states

1st TIER

Maoist ideologues such as Kobad Gandhi, Kondapalli Seetharamaiah, Muppala Lakshman Rao alias Ganapathi and others


‘So-called’ intellectuals and human rights activists such as Medha Patkar, Mahasweta Devi, Aparna Sen, Sujat Bhadra, Vinayak Sen, Kousik Sen, Bibhas Chakraborty, Pallab Kirtania, Pratul Mukhopadhyay, Shaoli Mitra and others. They always justify, glorify, defend and legitimize the destructive and murderous activities of the Maoists in both the electronic and print media.


Frontal organizations such as Committee Against Police Atrocities (CAPA), Bandi Mukti Committee, APDR, Lalgarh Sanghati Mancha, PUCL and others.


Armed cadres with sophisticated arms and ammunitions


The whole world witnessed with terror and panic how more than 300 Maoist hooligans in the garb of “Peoples’ Committee Against Police Atrocities” (PCAPA) stopped the running Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Rajdhani Express at Banstala Railway Station at about 2-45 p.m. on 27-10-2009 and subjected its more than 200 passengers to inhuman torture and terror, both mental and physical, for more than 5 hours at a stretch at gunpoint. Besides looting their belongings, many compartments were damaged severely. The train drivers were also abducted and many passengers were assaulted for no fault. The mob belonging to nearby villages Manikpara, Joalbhanga, Tiyakathi, Kunduldihi, Nalbona and Banstala was not only led by 2 armed women cadres of Maoists but also by Man Singh Kisku of Tiyakathi, Dileswar Mahato of Nalbona and other leaders of Trinamool Congress. The place of the incident falls in the Bandhghara Gram Panchayat near Ward No. 11 of Jhargram Municipality. This Gram Panchayat is run by TMC-Jharkhandi Alliance.

The one and only demand of the gangsters was the release of Chatradhar Mahato, the most beloved Maoist ‘pseudo’ tribal leader of Medha Patkar, Mahasweta Devi and the ‘so-called’ human rights activists, who not only shamelessly and audaciously justify and glorify but also defend all the criminal activities of the Maoists. These ‘so-called’ intellectuals and human right activists have not yet spent a single word to condemn the cowardly act of keeping in captivity innocent passengers including women and children by their dearly loved Maoists for hours together.

It is also most shocking and unfortunate that while addressing a press conference at the same time in New Delhi, Mamata Banerjee did not utter even a single word against the Maoists. Even she avoided naming them, who are every now and then engaged in murdering innocent people and security forces as well as blowing up railway tracks, trains, railway stations, schools, mobile towers, bridge and government buildings in the country. On the other hand, she said that the incident was not the handiwork of the Maoists. She ridiculously and irresponsibly misspent time in trying to put the blame on the CPI (M) for the incident in order to earn petty and narrow political mileage instead of arranging timely measures for the rescue of the endangered passengers. When the Home Ministry of the Central Government very categorically refused any talks with the criminals for a swap, she even wanted to have a discussion with the Maoist gangsters surpassing her limits.

It is proved beyond all doubts that the Indian Railways and its passengers are no longer safe and secure in the hands of Mamata Banerjee who herself is a collaborator of the Maoists and allowing them to destroy national properties in a pre-planned manner.

Many many thanks and congratulations both to the Central Home Minister and the Chief Minister of West Bengal for taking a tough and bold stand in time. Their well-timed intervention enabled safe and sound rescue of the ill-fated passengers.

Last but not the least. The utter irresponsibility and perversion of the Central Minister Sisir Adhikari have surpassed all tolerable limits.

While the mayhem was still going on, he declared that the previous day (26-10-2009) at 7-30 p.m. he had received advance information from a secret source about the incident to take place next day. Now, the following questions arise very naturally and logically.

(1) If so, why did not he inform the matter to his Supremo Mamata Banerjee who is also the Railway Minister of the entire country and the Central Government in which he is a Minister?

(2) Why did not he even inform the matter to the Railway Ministry in the interest of the safety and security of the passengers?

(3) Being a central minister, why did not he inform the intelligence agencies of the country?

(4) Why did not the intelligence agencies of the country and the railway intelligence did not receive any such advance information from their own sources.

(5) When the train was stopped, why few hundred TMC supporters took out processions and rallies at Midnapur Town in support of the detention of the Rajdhani Express and its passengers by the Maoists?

Last but not the least. The mysterious movements of the Central Minister Sisir Adhikari in the evening of the previous day (26-10-2009) have raised many questions.

(1) Why did he go to Midnapur Medical College & Hospital at 7-00 p.m. to see Sahebram Murmu and other Maoists now under treatment for injury received while fighting with joint forces at Lalgarh?

(2) Why did he support the Maoists while addressing a rally in front of the office of the Subdivisional Officer, Midnapur the same day?

(3) Why did he attend a meeting with the Maoists at night of 25-10-2009 in the house of TMC leader Salil Saha at Shalboni? It may be noted that immediately after this meeting the Maoists gave a call for “3 Day Bandh” in the Jangalmahal areas.

The cabinet is a collective responsibility in a democracy. The Prime Minister is accountable to the entire nation for the activities of his ministers. He cannot deny or avoid his responsibility. There are only two options before him now.

(1) He should sack Mamata Banerjee and other ministers belonging to her party immediately and put all of them behind bar for trial for collaborating with anti-national terrorist outfits in waging war against the nation;


(2) Take immediate necessary steps to desist them from taking recourse to such anti-national and anti-people activities.



“It is noteworthy that at a time when the Maoist presence in Lalgarh had grabbed West Bengal’s attention, Aparna Sen was busy shooting her latest film, Iti Mrinalini, whose hero is a Naxalite.”

“…. a number of prominent writers led by the Sahitya Academy award winner, Mahasweta Devi, have been openly supportive of the Maoists……….the intellectuals tend to legitimize the depredations of the Maoists.”

“Whether it is Aruna Roy or Medha Patkar or Binayak Sen, the present day democracy is very nearly a fraud; it does not reflect the aspirations of the poor”

“It is clear that to these intellectuals, the fact of the Parliament and State assemblies being elected on the basis of universal franchise means little…Although they donot say it, their preference is seemingly for a Chinese style people’s democracy.”

“Hence, the call for negotiations although the Maoists, like the Naxalites before them, have no interest in d a dialogue. Their stance is not dissimilar to that of the Islamic Jehadis. Both these groups live in lack and white Manichean world, where there are no shades of grey. It is a fight to the finish for them because each of them believes in an ideal world where there is no scope for compromise and no place for their enemies. Just as the Jehadis cannot be expected to come to terms with those who do not believe in their version of Islam, the Maoists cannot reach a settlement with bourgeois establishment…”

“Apart from the support of the intellectuals, the Maoists have also received the surreptitious backing of politicians, as the ties between them and Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal show. These connections explain Banerjee’s preference for a dialogue since all the Maoists are not ‘bad’. Clearly the political imperative of creating law and order problems for the Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee’s government matters more to her than the unabashed display of cynicism involved in siding with an essentially anti-national force.”


“Deafening has been the rather diplomatic silence of Mamata Banerjee. Consistently opposed to the joint offensive, she has neither condemned the killings and abduction…”


The CPI (Maoist) is a four-tier organization. The first tier consists of Maoist ideologues, the 2nd the ‘so-called’ intellectuals and human rights organization, the 3rd being its frontal organizations and the 4th the armed cadres operating in different states.

The ‘so-called’ intellectuals and human rights activists such as Medha Patkar, Mahasweta Devi, Aparna Sen, Sujat Bhadra, Vinayak Sen, Kousik Sen, Bibhas Chakraborty, Pallab Kirtania, Pratul Mukhopadhyay, Shaoli Mitra and others represent the 2nd tier. Most of them are blind anti-Communist. They not only always justify, glorify and defend the destructive and murderous activities of the Maoists in both the electronic and print media but also try to legitimize them. These foreign funded ‘pseudo’ intellectuals have close contacts with imperialists and forces that are working to disintegrate our country. They are now assigned the task to destabilize the Left Front Government in West Bengal.

Now, the question arises who these so-called intellectuals are affiliated to politically.


In different states of India, there are suicides by farmers, SEZ, hunger, land acquisition, drought, industrialization, urbanization, construction of Thermal Power Plants, aerodromes, expansion of Roads and so on. Thousands of innocent Muslims where killed in Gujarat. But this ‘so-called’ intellectual was never by their side. She is only concerned how to destabilize the Left Front Government as a part of a greater conspiracy hatched by internal finance capital. The modus operandi and her source of fund are very mysterious.


Recipient of Magsaysay Award. This award is given to those only who are blind anti-Communist and anti-Leftist.


Blind anti-Communist intellectual of West Bengal


Blind anti-Communist former IAS officer who has also worked in a high position in the World Bank. He has connections with international finance capital.


Once a Communist but now a blind anti-Communist


Blind anti-Communist painter


A dramatist affiliated to CPI (Maoist)


A Maoist singer


Once used to stick to Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee like a leech. After managing valuable land in Salt Lake and other undue facilities, now this theatre personality has turned anti-CPI (M).


A Maoist singer


Once used to stick to Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee like a leech. After managing undue facilities, now this theatre personality has turned anti-CPI (M).


A Maoist working in the garb of human rights activist


Film actress jumped into the bandwagon of others for mere publicity


Blind anti-Communist poet who desires 5 beheaded heads of CPI (M) workers in his breakfast dish daily


Blind anti-Communist theatre personality. Her father was also a recipient of Magsaysay Award. He had supported Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi.


Maoist leader who acts as a liaison between Mamata Banerjee and the Maoists


Blind anti-Communist singer who has been elected to the Lok Sabha on TMC ticket. Changed his religion a number of times for marriage.


A Maoist leader who remains sticked to Mamata Banerjee like a leech and bodyguard

The following comments made by James Petras, former CIA Agent, in his article named “The CIA and the Cultural World Revisited” fits to these foreign funded ‘pseudo’ intellectuals very correctly and appropriately.

“The CIA was especially keen on publishing disillusioned ex-communists like Silone, Koestler, and Gide…… None of these prestigious intellectuals dared to raise any doubts or questions regarding U.S. support of the mass killing in colonial Indochina and Algeria, the witch hunt of U.S. intellectuals or the paramilitary (Ku Klux Klan) lynchings in the southern United States. Such banal concerns would only "play into the hands of the Communists," “(p 3)

“What was particularly bizarre about this collection of CIA-funded intellectuals was …… their pretense that they were disinterested seekers of truth, iconoclastic humanists, freespirited intellectuals, or artists for art’s sake, who counterposed themselves to the corrupted "committed" house "hacks" of the Stalinist apparatus.”

These hypocrites shamelessly call themselves neutral and impartial but all of them worked actively for the TMC-Congress-SUCI alliance in the last Parliamentary Elections, 2009.

Hence, it is not surprising that these foreign agents in the garb of ‘so-called’ intellectuals are never seen taking out any procession or organizing any meeting, seminar or convention against imperialism or communal fundamentalists or for ‘Aila’ victims. They don’t utter a single word against the rise of finance capital, neo-liberal aggression and its Indian collaborators, the BJP and the Congress, or their sister concern in West Bengal, the TMC (except on the aftermath of the Gujarat carnage which was a soft target to prove one’s progressiveness). They never raised their voice against the Hyde act or US naval activities, or against the New Economic Policy of the Centre. The only target is the CPI (M) as the epitome of suppression of voice, corruption, rape of democracy and injustice to the poor.

The one and only one aim of these perverts is to ensure rise of Maoist Fascist forces with red flags as was done by the ‘socalled’ intellectuals in Germany to ensure rise of Hitler.



The well calculated pre-planned mysterious drama of hijacking New Delhi bound Bhubaneswar-Rajdhani Express on 27th October, 2009 by the Maoists in connivance with the Railway Minister endangering more than 200 passengers including women and children for the release of Maoist leader Chattradhar Mahato by way of black-mailing and its subsequent developments have raised many a questions in the minds of the people of the country.

· When the news about the detention of the Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Rajdhani Express by the Maoists reached Mamata Banerjee during her press briefing at the same time of happening, why was she hell bent on proving that it was not the handiwork of the terrorist outfit?

· Why till today she has not once condemned the Maoists by name for the ghastly incident of detention of Rajdhani Express?

· Why is she still bent upon shielding the Maoists?

· Why there was no Railway Protection Force in spite of knowing fully that the train was to pass through Maoist infested forest area of Jangalmahal? Why did the RPF get down at Kharagpur Railway Station allowing the train to proceed without any escort? How did this news of the train proceeding without escort reach the Maoists in advance who captured it so easily without any resistance?

· 2443-UP Bhubaneswar-Rajdhani Express usually leaves on Monday and Friday from Bhubaneswar. But this train left on Tuesday. So, it was a special train. Despite this fact, the train was running without any escort from Kharagpur.

· When the train neared the Banstala Railway Station, why was its speed slowed down?

· The Central Home Secretary Shri G.K.Pillai very categorically said that the incident was the handiwork of the Maoists in the garb of PCPA. Despite this admission, why the frontal organization of the Maoists working under the name and style PCPA (People’s Committee against Police Atrocities), which was responsible for the incident, was not named in the FIR lodged by the Railway Authorities with the concerned Police Station?

· Despite being the mob led by TMC leaders Santosh Mahato of Kantapahari, Man Singh Kisku of Tiyakathi, Dileswar Mahato of Nalbona, Paru Mahato of Baghghada, Madan Mahato and Fantus Murmu of Bhulabheda, Badal Mahato and Bidyut Singh of Dharampur and Maoists, why the Railway Authorities did not mention their name in the FIR?

In this connection it would not be out of place to mention that all these TMC leaders were also present beside top Maoist leader Kishanji during the release of the abducted police officer Atindranath Dutta on 22-10-2009 in front of Bhulageda Primary School in the presence of media. The whole country witnessed this drama in different TV Channels.

· When the train restarted its journey, why the graffiti asking for release of Maoist leader Chatradhar Mahato and other political slogans written on the train compartments by Ragesh Mahato, a TMC leader of Kharagpur No. 2 Block, were not erased? Was it a plan to reach the message to the entire nation?

· When the train reached New Delhi Station, why the passengers were not allowed to meet media persons?

· The Central Minister Sisir Adhikari has categorically informed the media that he had prior information about the attack on the train. Being in a responsible position, why did not he inform the Intelligence agencies of both the Central Government and the State Government as well as the Indian Railways in the larger interest of the safety and security of the train and its passengers.

· The Maoists have blown up railway station, railway tracks and other infrastructures of the Indian Railways in different parts of the country. They have openly taken responsibility for the same. But till today why Mamata Banerjee being the Railway Minister has not yet once condemned the Maoists by name for the same?

Does not it prove that the whole episode was a joint operation engineered and carried out planfully by Mamata Banerjee and the Maoists for the release of the Maoist TMC leader Chatradhar Mahato?

Being at the helm of the Home Ministry, P. Chidambram must have report about the unholy alliance between the Maoists and Mamata Banerjee. Despite all these serious questions, facts and circumstances, both the Prime Minister and the Home Minister have been playing duplicity with the nation by defending the Railway Minister for petty political gains which is not only unbecoming on their part but also poses a serious threat to the internal security and safety of the entire country.

It is proved beyond doubt that all their tall talk about the Maoist menace is nothing but an eyewash and hypocrisy.