Saturday, October 31, 2009


Some ‘so-called’ intellectuals as well as ‘pseudo’ human rights activists representing the Maoists have been urging the Governments both at the centre and the states to lay down arms and shun ‘so-called’ state terror as a pre-condition for a dialogue with the Maoists. They are of course intentionally playing into the hands of the antinational terrorist outfit with some ulterior motive despite knowing fully their ultimate aim, objective and modus operandi.

These perverts never condemn one after another brutality perpetrated by the Maoists in different states for the last few years. Abduction, extortion of money at gun point, butchering, open trial & sentencing to death in public and other gruesome activities on the part of the Maoists seem to them a birthright of the perpetrators. On the other hand, whenever the Government arrests any of them or takes any action in the defence of the common people from he Maoist marauders they plunge into the arena making a hue and cry in the name of ‘so-called’ human rights and natural justice for them under the constitution, which the Maoists discard.

The Maoists believe in the “annihilation of class enemies” and in “extreme violence” as a means to armed seizure of state power through guerrilla warfare. With this perspective, participation in elections and engagement with the prevailing ‘democracy’ are rejected. Their actions and ideas are incompatible to a democratic set up.

As part of its strategy, the cadres of both the CPI and the CPI (M) are declared as class enemies; whereas Mamata Banerjee, her party TMC and SUCI are considered class friends.

It supports all the ‘so-called’ nationalities’ struggles going in different parts of the country including ‘Gorkhaland’ and ‘Kamtapuri’ agitations for separate homelands, armed struggle in ‘Kashmir’ by Pakistani supported militants for independence and all secessionist movements of northeast.

Its armed force have 7000 armed cadres, 6000 fire arms including a large number of rifles of AK variety, light machine guns, self-loading rifles, carbines, 303s, grenades, revolvers, pistols and landmine technologies. It has also a technical squad which manufactures 12 bore guns and its ammunitions, repairs all kinds of weapons and assembles grenades.

This Maoist terrorist outfit is actually a perversion of Marxism-Leninism. It is an organization of assassins, hired killers, extortionists, blackmailers and mercenaries. It reportedly owns a fund amounting to more than 1,500 crores. The operation of the Maoists not only remain concentrated to kidnapping and looting of passengers traveling in trains and buses but also felling and selling of costly trees in collusion with wood smugglers in Jharkhand, Lalgarh, Jangalmahal and other areas. They also blow up bridges and other structures made of low quality materials to destroy proofs and evidences in order to help the contractors in exchange of money. In the name of fighting SEZ they are actually creating their own SEZ (Special Exploitation Zone) wherein these activities can be carried out uninterruptedly in the name of ‘so-called’ revolution and ‘Maoism’.

It must be underlined that contrary to the claims made by a section of pro-Maoist intellectuals that they are revolutionaries; these self-styled Maoists have nothing in common with the work and practice of the great revolutionary Mao-Ze Dong. During the lifetime and after the demise of Comrade Mao, the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) never used the term ‘Maoism,’ to denote a new theory. Rather, in the literature of the CPC and in the documents of their Party Congress's, the CPC has said that it follows Marxism-Leninism and Mao-ze Dong Thought.

It is evident through the interpretation of the CPC how Mao applied Marxism-Leninism to the specific conditions obtaining in China basing on its special characteristics. This is known as Mao-ze Dong thought. Those who are using the term ‘Maoism,’ are completely disregarding and dishonoring the vast revolutionary activities of Mao. These self-styled Maoists have degenerated into armed groups and have no qualms in killing poor people who dare oppose their extortionist terror.

This terrorist outfit is active in 156 districts of 17 states that include Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Uttaranchal and Kerala. It is responsible for 90% of the violence in the country. 721 people were killed in 1,591 Maoist attacks in 2008 and till August this year, 1,405 attacks claimed 580 lives spread over 11 states.

Maoist influence runs through a stretch of territory referred to as the "Red Corridor". Their objective of 'liberating' their proposed “Compact Revolutionary Zone” (CRZ) in other words “Red Corridor” extends from Nepal through Bihar Jharkhand in the North to Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Dandakaranya region (forest areas of Central India) and Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh in the South. Areas in western Orissa and eastern Uttar Pradesh are also under Maoist influence. And they have some presence in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka as well. In most areas of the “Red Corridor” they operate as a hit-and-run force.

The intention is to have a continuous stretch of territory under their influence and control, with the ultimate goal of eventually "liberating" the entire zone. Large parts of this territory have already been brought under the extremist influence with only some link-ups now necessary in the remaining pockets to make the CRZ a reality. Once achieved, the CRZ will virtually drive a wedge through the vital areas of the country, and would help crystallize linkages with other Maoist groups operating in South Asia.

Districts that fall in the “Red Corridor” are rich in minerals like iron ore and bauxite. But the people living there, who are largely Adivasi or tribal are desperately poor. Exploited by forest officials, contractors, mining companies and middlemen and neglected by the state, villagers in the Red Corridor are among the worst off in the country. And it is to liberate them from their oppressors and the Indian state that the Maoists claim to be waging their armed struggle.

It is true the Maoists have improved life for the Adivasis by forcing local officials to dig wells or pay better wages to the villagers. But over time, the liberators have turned oppressors themselves. Villagers who don't obey the Maoists have been killed and Maoist violence stands in the way of development projects. The Maoists have worsened the daily lives of some of India's most exploited people.

As a matter of fact, the Maoists want to create a new independent domain within the country where the Indian Constitution shall not be applicable. This one and only one aim and objective will be achieved with the help of other anti-national outfits, ‘so-called’ intellectuals, ‘pseudo’ human rights activists, a section of media glorifying them and forces across the border.

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