Friday, October 16, 2009


It is well known that the devastating storm ‘Aila’ had caused an enormous and unprecedented damage to the lives and properties of the people in different parts of West Bengal on 25th May, 2009. The districts of 24, Parganas (S) and Darjeeling were most affected. Almost all the affected areas fall within the parliamentary constituencies won by the candidates of Mamata Banerjee and her alliance.

The Central Government has lent a hand to the State Government by way of sanctioning a financial assistance of Rs. 1,000 crores for the rehabilitation of the affected people. It had also by a notification in writing requested all the Members of Parliament in West Bengal to donate generously from their respective MPLAD Fund for the purpose within September 2009.

It is not only most unfortunate but also condemnable that none of the Members of Parliament belonging to TMC, Congress and SUCI donated even a single paise whereas MPs of Left Parties and many outside Parliament Members belonging to other parties including Congress have donated from Rs. 5 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs making a fund of Rs. 5.15 crores.

This sort of political meanness and narrowness on the part of irresponsible politicians deserve all out denunciation.

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